José Miguel Covarrubias Duclaud (Mexico City, November 22, 1904 - February 4, 1957), also known as El Chamaco, was a Mexican artist and researcher. One of the most versatile figures in his country's cultural history, he was a caricaturist, draftsman, illustrator, theatrical designer, painter and, as a result of a self-taught and empirical formation, author of important anthropological and ethnological studies. He made contributions to museology and, in a short period of official work, in the early 1950s, he encouraged experimentation and creativity in modern Mexican dance. His political stance was left. In his books he manifested his antifascism and horror of the war, denounced the caciquismo and the unfair distribution of the resources. However, his paintings and cartoons did not express political criticism. Unlike the big three, Orozco, Rivera and Siqueiros, Chamaco was not a militant, but an idealist and romantic who treated his neighbor as a brother.