Doctor in Scientific-Social Studies by the Technological Institute and of Superior Studies of the West (ITESO). Master in Architecture Sciences with orientation in History of Mexican Architecture by the University of Guadalajara (UdeG). Degree in Architecture by the UdeG. Dr. Bojórquez has been an academic since 1995 in the areas of Theory, History and Methodology of Architecture. Since 2001, she has been a fixed-time lecturer at ITESO's Department of Habitat and Urban Development (DHDU), where she has been coordinator of the Formal Research Program of Basic Academic Units (UAB) and member of the departmental council. She is currently coordinator of the UAB's History, Theory and Methodology of Habitat and is a professor in the Degree in Architecture and in the Masters in City and Sustainable Public Space. Since 2014, he coordinates the Study Committee of the Academic Committee of the General Academic Directorate. His professional experience in architectural design and construction is mainly in the hotel and residential areas. He was the first national candidate in the contest convened by the Commission on Human Rights and the Chamber of Deputies, the National Association of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education (ANUIES) and the Mexican Federation of Private Higher Education Institutions (FIMPES). , published in Gaceta, Vol. 124, in November 2000. His research deals with the application of qualitative methodologies in the study of the construction of cities from a socio-cultural perspective, with themes such as the public space and socio-urban fragmentation. He has participated in various forums and seminars, and has published books and articles on architecture, urbanism and city. He is currently pursuing research on the city and sustainability.