Notas visuales. Fronteras entre imagen y escritura

Notas visuales. Fronteras entre imagen y escritura -  AA.VV. - Ediciones Metales pesados
Publisher name: 
Ediciones Metales pesados
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

The book that the reader now has in his hands comes from a discussion about the problems presented by the relationship between the concepts of visuality and writing. A problem that is the object of exploratory exploratory journeys, but which always presents itself with the appearance of the unknown. For the same reason, the texts assembled here approximate this relationship with the resolution and caution of those who look at the edge of a deep excavation and all warn us of their difficult to grasp and impossible to surround with the framework of an absolute term . But it is not a question here of mere taste for the fantastic, but of the need to account for a master movement, a stellar spin that originated in the works of which the essays assembled here speak, and which puts this book together in the orbit of those who find their thematic and enunciative unit in the same work that more

Category: All >> Philosophy >> Esthetics

Book: Notas visuales. Fronteras entre imagen y escritura

ISBN: 9789568415358