Peter Robert Lamont Brown was born in Dublin (Ireland) in 1935, in the bosom of a Protestant family. He studied in his hometown and in Oxford, where he specialized in the history of antiquity. He taught at the Universities of Oxford and London, and later in the Americans of Berkeley and Princeton. His research has focused on Late Antiquity, the high Western Middle Ages and the pre-Islamic Middle East, highlighting the relationship between religion and society. Among his most recognized works include: Agustín de Hipona, 1967; The world of Late Antiquity: from Marcus Aurelius to Muhammad, 1971; The body and society. Man, woman and sexual renunciation in Christian Antiquity, 1988; The first millennium of Christianity, 1996; Through the eye of a needle: wealth, the fall of Rome and the construction of Christianity in the West (350-550 AD), 2012.