Luna de gatos

Luna de gatos - Jis  - Pollo blanco
Publisher name: 
Pollo blanco
Hard cover

Luna de Catas is a book of illustrations for children, one of the most accessible works of the recognized Tapatío monero Jis (aka José Ignacio Solórzano) which encourages love for reading in children from 10 to 12 years old, at the same time that opens the door of imagination presenting an album of prints that make up an intriguing story, as well as an interactive game that invites new discoveries with each rereading.

This work deals with children at an age when the small being is torn between the definition of identity, the experience and the transition from childhood to pre-adolescence.

This book, playful companion guide offers mischievous riddles and valleys ready to be filled with thoughts, conjuga wisdom with recreation to remind us that it is not necessary to "disguise as sane" to enjoy exploring the multidimensional narrative universe of Jis, which in this book more


Book: Luna de gatos

ISBN: 9786079619558