El Informativo de Televisión

Producción, guion y edición audiovisuales

El Informativo de Televisión - Carles Marín - Gedisa
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 198.5 g
Soft cover

This book is a manual that offers a pragmatic vision of this audiovisual profession from the first and essential link in the chain of work of a newscast: the editor. The purpose is to know from below the hierarchies and professional functions, the editorial board and the preparation of the runway, the areas of information specialization, the distribution of topics and work routines. The essential keys to produce, write, communicate and assemble the standard formats of audiovisual news are given, with the purpose that the future professional of TV can successfully solve any journalistic task assigned to him in an informative newsroom.


Book: El Informativo de Televisión

ISBN: 9788416919048
Precio de lista: $210.00
Descuento: 20%