Hasta que pase un huracán

Hasta que pase un huracán - Margarita García Robayo - Pollo blanco
Publisher name: 
Pollo blanco

Until a hurricane passes, the Colombian Margarita García Robayo (1980) is a short novel that unfolds the story in first person of a young Colombian native of a coastal city that since she is certain that her destiny is far from her roots and finally, working as a stewardess on regular flights to the United States. But once there, looking out for a life of consumption and certain luxuries, that chimerical world can pass in the blink of an eye from paradise to hell, and who was emerging as a savior, is revealed as executioner. Not everything that glitters is gold, the narrator ends up learning. Thus, with a virulent and nihilistic cynicism that leaves almost no puppet, García Robayo breaks down the commonplaces of the novel of initiation and of Latin emigration.


Book: Hasta que pase un huracán

ISBN: 9786079738556