Informe sobre la desigualdad global 2018

Informe sobre la desigualdad global 2018 -  AA.VV. - Grano de sal
Publisher name: 
Grano de sal
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 453.6 g
Soft cover

Economic inequality is one of the ghosts that travel the world today. The same in developed countries as in those who are struggling to get out of poverty, this contemporary scourge painfully confirms that technical progress, the opening of markets and the spread of democracy - especially if it remains in its formal aspect - they are insufficient for the benefits of growth to be distributed equitably. The World Inequality Lab, an academic initiative led by those responsible for this volume, has in recent years built the World Inequality Database, undoubtedly the most reliable source of information about inequality in the world; with this first Report on global inequality, the biennial publication of studies on how the distribution of income and wealth is evolving begins. Convinced that quality information is essential to improve debates on the necessary action of the State and more

Category: All >> Ciencias sociales >> Economía

Book: Informe sobre la desigualdad global 2018

ISBN: 9786079824969
Precio de lista: $480.00
Descuento: 10%