Puer Robustus

Una filosofía del perturbador

Puer Robustus - Dieter Thomä - Herder
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 1179.3 g
Hard cover

The puer robustus represents one of the fundamental problems of political philosophy: the relationship between order and disturbance. The present book offers the reader a fascinating philosophical adventure that involves the return and rediscovery of its different facets in order to value and make present this figure in the modern scenario of political philosophy.

Throughout the history of thought, this key figure has appeared in the works of great poets and thinkers - in Hobbes and in Rosseau, in Schiller and in Hugo, in Diderot and in Tocqueville, in Marx, Freud or Carl Schmitt - from different perspectives, although always with a common characteristic: to be the disturber of peace.

The political outbursts and the radical changes of modernity present crises that can not be understood from the center of power, but from the margin. Also, being the puer robustus a margina...read more


Book: Puer Robustus

ISBN: 9788425438813
Precio de lista: $1,450.00
Descuento: 30%