El orden y el tiempo

El orden y el tiempo - Manuel Sacristán - Trotta
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 200 g

In 1970, the first edition of a large anthology of texts by Gramsci, prepared and translated by Sacristán, appeared in Mexico. In the elaboration of this volume, Sacristán wrote an extensive introduction in the form of a socio-biographical study which, for reasons of a different nature, was interrupted in the account of the circumstances that led to the arrest of Gramsci and his entry into prison in 1926. this edition we offer that writing then unpublished and subsequently lost for many years.

Much more than the simple presentation of the biographical thread, the text composes an interpretation about the relationship between the activity and the Gramscian ideology that revolves around two concepts to which Gramsci himself frequently recurs in his writings: that of order and the time

In "The Order and Time" are exposed the personal elements and historical context that mos...read more


Book: El orden y el tiempo

ISBN: 9788481642285
Precio de lista: $500.00
Descuento: 25%