Pamplona-Iruñea, 1964. Iñaki Redín Eslava, Popi (Pamplona-Iruñea, 1964) is a professor of science at IES Barañain (Navarra). He has combined his dedication to teaching with a passion for music (he has participated in several rock bands, such as 2112 or Dinosaurs), for science (Master in Advanced Biotechnology at the UAB), for graphic design or comic. From the experiences in the classroom he carries out with other colleagues, Comicreando is born, work that is rewarded by institutions such as the FAD, Magistral Action and others. In 2015 he published his first book, TO EDUCATE COMICREING, in collaboration with Maite Segura and Kaki Redín, his middle child.
He is currently trying to make his teaching activity compatible with the complications derived from his state of health.