Educar sin drogas

Educar sin drogas - Redín Iñaki - Traficantes de sueños
Publisher name: 
Traficantes de sueños
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 340.2 g
Soft cover

Before the cuts, to the children who needed it, we offered them double, more teachers and adapted curriculum. Now they consume methylphenidate, speed, much cheaper than a teacher. They don't learn, but they don't bother either; they are discarded from a drug-dependent school, which separates between valid and invalid, and of which many refuse to be part. Here you will know about the tricks that ADHD believers use so that drugging our childhood resembles a medical practice, and the good fit that this has had in the school of cuts.
Alcohol, tobacco and cannabis are substances that our sons and daughters consume because of their proximity. Adults do not like our sons and daughters to drink or smoke, but we have not done to prepare them to use these substances with knowledge. We must educate without drugs, but we must also educate in drugs. Knowing drugs makes our sons and more


Book: Educar sin drogas

ISBN: 9788416946037