Estudiar a distancia

Una guía para estudiantes

Estudiar a distancia - Christine Talbot - Gedisa
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 323.2 g
Soft cover

This guide aims to motivate people who are not familiar with distance university studies, especially those who wish to pursue a second career. In order not to waste time and money, the author initially raises a series of questions that help analyze the decision to study, the motivations, doubts, limitations and guarantees to be able to persevere in the plan.
Once the firmness of the decision is assured, the reader finds a good summary of the psychology of learning that allows to define one's own learning style, according to which one can choose and plan the most suitable strategies and resources that each student prefers or has more by hand.

In addition, the work offers a wealth of practical instructions on the most appropriate place and time to study, on how to use the information provided by the university via e-mail or the Internet and how to guide the search for more


Book: Estudiar a distancia

ISBN: 9788497840415
Precio de lista: $515.00
Descuento: 20%