“Joyce's method of composition always struck me as more poetic than prose writer. His words were already in his mind before they found their final form on paper. Constant and indefatigable, he pursued the solution of some problem of Homeric correspondence, or of technical expression, or some character trait of Bloom or any other character in Ulysses. Or he needed some physiological fact that would give him the clue to some part of his epic of the human body. He was constantly looking or listening, searching for a fact or a word, and he believed very much in his luck. What he needed would come to him. What he collected would be useful to him at the right time and place. And since in a sense the theme of Ulysses is life in its entirety, the variety of materials she needed to build it was endless. He was not writing Ulysses in Dublin in 1904, but what he saw or heard in Zurich in 1919 se...read more