Rémi Brague (Paris, 1947) is Professor Emeritus of Medieval Philosophy at the Sorbonne in Paris. He was holder between 2002 and 2012 of the "Guardini Chair" at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich. In 2012
He received the Ratzinger Prize, considered informally as the Nobel Prize in Theology. Specialist in medieval Jewish and Arab philosophy, he has also investigated Greek philosophy (Plato and Aristotle). Among his most important works are Aristote et la question du monde, and Europe, la voie romaine, translated into 17 languages. Ediciones Encuentro has published several of his works in Spanish, including the first two volumes of his "greatest" trilogy, The Wisdom of the World (2008) and The Law of God (2011), the result of 15 years of research, and the book interview Where's the story going? (2016).