Fernando Giobellina Brumana (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1944) is a doctor in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Uppsala and a doctor of Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. He is Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Cádiz (Spain). He has carried out several investigations in Brazil on possession cults such as candomblé, umbanda and catimbó. He has also worked on theoretical aspects of classification systems and on the work of Marcel Mauss, of whom he has edited and prefaced his Essay on the Gift (Buenos Aires, Katz editores, 2009). He has published, among other books, Dreaming of the Dogon. In the origins of French ethnology (Madrid, 2005), Senses of Anthropology / Anthropology of the senses (Cádiz, 2003), The Broken Metaphor (Cádiz, 1997) and The Forms of the Gods. Classifications and categories system in Candomblé (University of Cádiz, 1994).