Videoactivismo y movimientos sociales

Teoría y praxis de las multitudes conectadas

Videoactivismo y movimientos sociales -  AA.VV. - Gedisa
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Soft cover

Today, the possibilities associated with digital video and its confluence with the network space are allowing different social actors to define new horizons of political action through audiovisual discourse. Linking with a deep historical tradition, social movements continue today to explore their own expressive formulas, creatively shaping their image and visually shaping their messages; However, the potential scope of these practices is now much greater thanks to the rapid distribution through free online video platforms. From a critical positioning, this volume focuses on the study of these videoactive practices and the ways in which they link with transformative social dynamics much broader in contexts ranging from 15M in Spain to the #Yosoy132 movement in Mexico or to the Arab Spring. Its starting point lies in the need to start building the theoretical scaffolding and the more


Book: Videoactivismo y movimientos sociales

ISBN: 9788416572243
Precio de lista: $525.00
Descuento: 20%