Miquel Izard (Barcelona, 1934) belongs to the last class of Vicens Vives students, under whose direction and mastery he became interested in workers and under the protection of Pierre Vilar in the cotton industry. Exiled in Venezuela in 1968, he became an Americanist and investigated resistance to colonizers and the forging of maroon societies. After retiring from the University of Barcelona, and without institutional support to continue traveling to the other side of the Atlantic, he returned to the history of Catalonia and, specifically, to war and Francoism. As a consequence of their investigations, let them know it and let us not forget it, about the implausible and disconcerting Catalan summer of 1936, some papers and the present work on the Retreat from Catalonia. Her latest studies have focused on the field of women and children in the first decades of the Franco dictatorship, two groups severely damaged by power and ignored by many chroniclers of the period. He has also deepened the analysis of the similarities between the Francoist vesania and the atrocities perpetrated by the conquerors in the Indies or in Morocco. In addition to his teaching work at the University of Barcelona, he has also taught at the Universidad de los Andes in Mérida (Venezuela), at the Universidad Central de Venezuela in Caracas and at the New York University. His books include The Rejection of Civilization, Ears, Maroons and Kneeling and Fear of Revolution.