He was born in Seville in 1970. He has a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Comillas (Extraordinary Degree Award) and a Master in Psychoanalytic Theory. He is currently a full professor at the National University of Distance Education (UNED). He is a specialist in contemporary philosophy, and in particular in the work of Jacques Derrida, about whom he has published numerous books, articles, conferences and translations. He is the author of Derritages. Une thèse en déconstruction (L'Harmattan, 2002), Philosophies of the 20th century (Síntesis, 2005), War and philosophy, in collaboration with J. García-Caneiro (Tirant lo Blanc, 2002), Marginales. Reading Derrida (UNED, 2000), Derrida, in collaboration with Cristina de Peretti (Ediciones del Orto, 1998) and What is reading? The invention of the text in philosophy (Tirant lo Blanc, 2006). Since 2003 he has been director of the open teaching course at UNED "Introduction to Queer Theory". Within the scope of this theory, he has published the books Homografía y Extravíos, both with Ricardo Llamas (Espasa-Calpe, 1991 and 2001) and Queer Theory. Bolleras, fag, trans, and mestizo policies, in collaboration with Javier Sáez and David Córdoba (Egales, 2005). He was the promoter of one of the first queer meetings in the Spanish state, the UNED summer course in A Coruña "Gender and difference: strategies for cultural criticism" (2001) and he has also given various conferences where he applies queer readings to cultural manifestations (cinema, internet, psychoanalysis, etc.).