Óscar Hernández Campano was born in Donostia-San Sebastián in 1976. He has always been a writer, studied law and worked as a professor of geography and history. At age 16 he published The Most Exciting Adventure of the Last Ten Thousand Years, a youth novel. He won the Odyssey Award in 2002 with the acclaimed Mark's Journey, a classic in LGBT literature. He later repeated success with Slaves of Fate. Beatriz Vicente Prize for a story with Maitasunaren ispiluak (Mirrors of love), has published the story Infinite kisses, and recently ¿Azul o verde? in the anthology What is not said (Editorial Dos Bigotes, 2014). Also participate with the story Love will set you free in an anthology coordinated by the Instituto Cervantes de Nápoles. Egales has published his novel The Guardian of Secrets in 2016. Lover of literature and cinema, she organizes a classic cinema club and presents a radio program on the seventh art in Ràdio Túria.