Dr. Pascual i Prats Award from the College of Physicians and the Gerona Medical Sciences Association. Family doctor in Peralada and Pont de Molins (Gerona). Graduated from the Tavistock Clinic and the Institute of Group Analyzes in London; During the 1970s he lived in this city and was part of the English community psychiatry movement with Dr. R.D. Laing. He also founded Existentalia, which was the first therapeutic community in our country. He has worked with Dr. Eva Reich - daughter of Wilhelm Reich - and is a member of the American College of Orgonomy. He is the author of several books, among which are: The divided body (1980) of the Olañeta publishing house; Wilhelm Reich; the author and his work (1980), by the Barcanova publishing house; The fallen angels (1989) of the Kairós publishing house; The feminine character (2002) of the Laertes publishing house; Emotional First Aid (2004), from the same publisher, Cordura, Madness and Wisdom (2006), also from the Laertes publisher and El cavaller Dalmau de Creixell i altres Escrits Empordanesos (2008), from the Brau publisher.
He is editor of the Magazine of Orgonomic Sciences. He directs the Wilhelm Reich Foundation in Spain and works at the Orgonomic Medicine Clinic, located in Creixell (Gerona).