Colo (pseudonym of Jesús Colomina Orgaz, 1968) has been an advertising illustrator for more than 20 years and has been a comic fan since he was a child. He has planned more than 1,500 advertising films and participated in all kinds of national and international campaigns. He published the stories of BoB, with a script by Javier Pilar, for two years in the weekly newspaper El Mundo. He collaborated making press strips for the Magisterio, Minus 20 and Minus 25 newspapers for two decades. He was a professor at the Superior School of Professional Drawing. He made a comic for the Federation of Progressive Women to raise awareness about trafficking in women. With the publisher Dibbuks published Ten fingers, along with 9 other authors. And for Amnesty International, on the occasion of his 50th birthday, he drew the comic The world can change, but he is not going to do it alone. He was awarded the II Planeta DeAgostini International Comic Prize in 2010 with the work De Perros y de Huesos. In his graphic novel, Today is a good day to die, he acts as a cartoonist, screenwriter and musician. Later, together with Douglas Machado, he draws the graphic novel 10:54 that will be published in Brazil and whose film will start shooting in September.