Filosofía de la cámara

Filosofía de la cámara - Diana Sperling - Marmol izquierdo
Publisher name: 
Marmol izquierdo
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

Accompanied by Miguel García-Baró Is intimacy a philosophical space? Flows and ebbs: the history of philosophy is extensive, complex, varied. Thinkers have dealt, over 2500 years, with almost every possible issue. Virtually every question we can think of has been asked. What's changing? What is, in any case, the new? What is the possibility of providing an unheard of look at this long, intense, complex and hearty history? Hasn't everything been said yet? Maybe it is, it's all been said. Perhaps, in every age, men ask ourselves the same things again, to whisper the same fears to us, to ask ourselves equal questions. Curious modality of philosophy: it seems that its destiny and its meaning, its essence - if we want to use a term of the philosophical repertoire itself - is not to answer, but, properly, to hold the question. In maintaining the validity of the question, in ensuring that more


Book: Filosofía de la cámara

ISBN: 9789872391720
Precio de lista: $380.00
Descuento: 15%