Nadia Fink (born 1977) is an Argentine journalist and writer dedicated to children's literature. She's an early-level teacher. He studied literary correction. He works in journalism and editing. He lived in Rosario between 1986 and 1990, before moving permanently to Buenos Aires. She has been editor of Sudestada and collaborates with the portal Marcha Noticias and the publishing house El Colectivo. She is the creator of the Antiprincesas y Antihéroes collection of the Editorial Chirimbote. Together with Fink, publisher Chirimbote is illustrator Pitu Saa and designer Martín Azcurra. Fink detailed that "the guide not to be an ideal princess promotes free and fun childhoods. And it provides contributions for girls to love each other as they are from their early years; dressed in the colors they like best; practicing their favorite sports, without barriers; and together. He proposes to break structures and unrag everything learned through texts and activities that will reflect on clothing, colours, toys and games that should not be divided by gender." She added: "And it breaks with another myth around women: that of competition."