Zen y autocontrol

Zen y autocontrol -  AA.VV. - Kairós
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 344.5 g
Soft cover

Is it possible to control one's own life, and in what way? Why does a thousand-year-old tradition such as Zen turn out to be, today, one of the best methods to achieve that self-control?

Based on the body-spirit-universe unity, Professor Yujiro Ikemi, a pioneer of psychosomatic medicine in Japan and a scientist of international reputation, shows how the practice of Zen constitutes a highly therapeutic method of self-control. For his part, the famous teacher Taisen Deshimaru makes an exhibition with modern language of the main points of Zen practice and tradition, as well as Buddhist psychology.

Zen and Self-Control is, in short, a powerful synthesis book that ranges from new therapies to meditation; an exceptional document that brings scientific thought, religious thought and everyday practice to convergence; an invitation to “live totally”.


Category: All >> Religion >> Oriental

Book: Zen y autocontrol

ISBN: 9788472452183
Precio de lista: $490.00
Descuento: 15%