Professional photographer and touch-up, certified by Adobe as an Expert in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. He is coordinator of the post-production area at the La Máquina school in Madrid and has been working as a professor of photo editing and retouching for more than 7 years. His work has been published in newspapers such as the Country or the World, magazines such as National Geographic or Digital Camera and his latest publication is the book "Domina el retoque con Photoshop".
His specialty is travel reporting and street photography, winning more than 40 awards at international competitions such as the Sony World Photography Awards (UK), the IPA Awards (USA), Prix de la Photographie (France), International Loupe Awards (Australia), Black & White Spyder Awards (USA), Siena International Photo Awards (Italy), International Color Awards (USA), National Geographic Spain, Eurostars Madrid Tower, among others.
His work has been exhibited in numerous national and international galleries, including London's Somerset House.