Art Historian from the University of Barcelona. Manager of Artistic and Cultural Institutions by ESADE and Director of Cultural Projects by CERC. Between 1976 - 1985, he coordinates the Department of Culture of the City of Igualada. Between 1986 and 1990 he was coordinator-manager of the Tàrrega Theater Fair. Later, and until 1996, he was responsible for the “Espai de Dansa y Música de la Generalitat de Catalunya”. He is also coordinator of Own Activities of the Dance and Theater Service of the Generalitat de Catalunya (1989-1991) and coordinator of the Sitges International Theater Festival (1990-1992). In 1996 and until 1998 he joined the team of the company "Llacuna-Asociados". In 1998 he returned to occupy the management of the Tàrrega Theater Fair, of which from 2010 to 2105 he was Executive Director. As of January 2012, he expands functions and is responsible for the entire culture area of the Tàrrega City Council. In 2005, he promoted COFAE, Coordinator of Performing Arts Fairs of the Spanish State of which he was president between 2006-2008, a position he held again from 2011 to 2016.