Historia y leyes de los hititas II

Textos del Reino Medio y del Imperio Nuevo

Historia y leyes de los hititas II -  AA.VV. - Akal
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Weight: 558 g

The Hittite people, who occupied the Anatolian peninsula for much of the second millennium BC, maintaining diplomatic relations or endless wars with Egypt and other empires in the area, was a great unknown to history until in 1914 the cuneiform texts of their ancient capital, Hattusa. Among them, historical texts (annals, public statements in certain crisis situations, royal correspondence or treaties with neighboring powers, such as Egypt or Ugarit) and legal texts occupy a primary place. Both are an essential piece to learn about the history and literature of the Ancient Near East. The present volume, a continuation of the book of the same title dedicated to the Old Kingdom and also published in this collection, includes texts from the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom, some of them appeared or published very recently. It also contains two appendices: one contains the "royal lists"...read more


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Book: Historia y leyes de los hititas II

ISBN: 9788446022534
Precio de lista: $620.00
Descuento: 15%