Paquete Recreo 1

Paquete Recreo 1 - Valentín Rincón - Nostra
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 998 g

1.- Adivinancero is a book that takes up and compiles a vast series of traditional riddles of Mexican culture; in addition to containing songs and tongue twisters that challenge the intellect and speech. This work is a very useful tool for the development of language skills, as well as an incentive to stimulate memory, analysis and problem solving. 2.- Jueguero contains a selection of games aimed at children of all ages and also adults. It encourages learning, coexistence and body expression. In addition, it invites readers to develop their intellectual capacities, by presenting dexterity and memory games. Supports communication and socialization in a healthy and playful way. 3.- Adivinancero dos, in addition to the accumulation of popular riddles, contains more than one hundred new creations by the authors, who took on the task of hiding novel enigmas to be discovered among their more

Category: All >> Childish

Book: Paquete Recreo 1

ISBN: 9786077603504
Precio de lista: $500.00
Descuento: 15%