"Treatises of Despair" is composed of a selection of the famous "Thoughts" that Pascal wrote with the purpose of integrating and articulating them in a great apologetic treatise on Christianity. In them we find lucid, deep and also disturbing reflections that try to elucidate the vital question for man, which is happiness. To this end, Pascal, immerses us in his criticism of the superiority of rationalism and the valuable offshoots of it: the exaltation of reason, the I and all derivatives of anthropocentrism. By questioning these false ideas, the paths where man should walk towards his own happiness are illuminated.
The topics addressed by Pascal are very varied: the power of money in human life, the dangers derived from inaction and despair, the benefits of learning to be alone with our thoughts, the problem of living from imagination, abuse entertainment as an escape route. ...read more