La locura ecocida

Ecosofía psicoanalítica

La locura ecocida - Luis Tamayo Pérez - Editorial fontamara
Publisher name: 
Editorial fontamara
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 216 g

Man is an animal of customs and his habit is to destroy his environment. As a consequence, the environmental catastrophe, the result of the war that for millennia the man established against nature, approaches the point of no-return.

It is not seen simple that the humanum-we manage to stop in time to the eco-efficient industry, overpopulation and consumerism. We carry too many "entertaining" years for the Mass Media, and decreasing is more complicated than it seems. It is not appreciated that a humanity lost in eco-held madness is willing to sacrifice their cars, save energy and water, and produce their own food.

It is not impossible, however, to build a humanity accordingly and respectful of your whole self (which includes its surroundings), but that task is in no way simple; It involves the revision of our own conceptions and that we realize the complicated task of more


Book: La locura ecocida

ISBN: 9786077364382
Precio de lista: $195.00
Descuento: 15%