Ángel Pérez Gómez. Professor of didactics and school organization at the University of Málaga. Bachelor of Pedagogy and Psychology and Doctor in Pedagogy from the Complutense University of Madrid. Vice-Rector of Teacher at the University of Málaga and Research at the International University of Andalusia. Manager in the National Research Plan in Education. Academic President of the Gestora Commission of the National University of Education (UNE) of Ecuador. He has received several prizes and decorations among which he can emphasize Alfonso X El Sabio to the teaching merit. Gold Medal of Malaga Athenaeum, National Educational Research Award, Honorable Mention at the Book Fair of Buenos Aires. The most recent books of it include: Understand and transform teaching, (1992). School culture in neoliberal society (1998) learn to teach in practice (2011) to educate oneself in the digital age (2012). Pedagogies for tempos of pandemics and perplexities. Da Informação à sabageria. (2021).