This book arises from the intersection of two perspectives, in which its authors intend to analyze the dilemma of power between lovers, often unnoticed and unnamed. The stimuli or reasons why two or more people decide to meet and share an erotic experience can be multiple, including some as unedifying as following a custom, fulfilling a mandate or losing control. If the encounters are repeated, the will, the bet, the risk and the ability to choose acquire a more determining role in the erotic relationship. In the midst of desire, enjoyment and fun, chance, instinct and the rush of hormones, what place does power occupy? What kind of power are we willing to imagine and how do we want to use it? In the midst of the presumed rivalries between the sexes, the male-female binarism and the proliferation of identities and “fluid genders”, there are words like autonomy, capacity, right, equali...read more