Milada Bazant. Doctor in Social Sciences from El Colegio de Michoacán. She has been working as a researcher for El Colegio Mexiquense A.C. for twenty years. Her main lines of research are: history of education during the Porfiriato at the national, state and regional levels, and in the comparative aspect with the United States. She has also dedicated herself to studying daily life during the 19th century and the empire of Maximilian. Biography and life stories constitute her main line of interest; she about it she has given several courses in the degree in history of the UNAM. She has published, among others, History of education during the Porfiriato (1993, 2006), In search of modernity: educational processes in the State of Mexico, 1873-1912 (2002), Ideas, traditional values. Essay on the history of education in Mexico (coord., 1996, 2002), The diary of a soldier. Josef Mucha in Mexico, 1864-1867 (coord., 2004), Neither heroes. Not villains. Portrait and image of Mexican characters of the 19th century (coord., 2010), Traditions and conflicts. History of daily life in Mexico and Latin America (coord. with Pilar Gonzalbo Aizpuru, 2007), Laura Méndez de Cuenca: indomitable and modern woman, 1853-1928. Daily life and educational environment (2009-2010).