Raymundo M. Campos Vazquez. He graduated with a degree in Economics from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey in May 2000, then completed his Master's degree in Economics at El Colegio de México in the period 2000-2002, at the end of which he completed a research stay at the University of Yale in New Haven, Conn. He has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley, which he completed in 2009. Since that year he has been a Professor-Researcher at the Center for Economic Studies at El Colegio de México. His areas of specialization are Labor Economics, Public Sector Economics and Development Economics. He has won various awards: 2018 Research Award granted by the Mexican Academy of Sciences, First Place in the National Public Finance Award granted by the Chamber of Deputies (2014 and 2016), First Place in the Víctor Economy Research Award Urquidi (2012), the First Place for the best poster awarded by the "European Association of Labor Economists" (2013) and the Second Place in the Gustavo Cabrera Demographic Research Award (2012). He has published numerous articles in specialized national and international journals such as the American Economic Review, Oxford Development Studies, El Trimestre Economico, among others.