Diego Gómez Pickering

Diego Gómez Pickering

Diego Gómez Pickering. (Mexico City, 1977). Writer, journalist and diplomat. He was an ambassador of Mexico to the United Kingdom and Consul General in New York. Internationalist by the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico; Master in International Relations from Columbia University in New York, USA; Master in journalism by the Indian Institute of Masscommunication of New Delhi, India; and Doctor of Diplomacy and International Relations for Euclid University in Bangui, Central African Republic.
He began his work within the world of letters as a social chronicler of the newspaper Reforma. During the last twenty years he has collaborated uninterruptedly in different newspapers and magazines among which the Financial Times newspapers, The Washington Post, Theindependent, La Vanguardia, Excelsior and El Universal and the publications Libres Libres, Theruffington Post, process, links, Foreign Affairs and Catopardo. He has been a correspondent for various Mexican and Latin American media in the United States, Spain, Sub -Saharan Africa and the Middle East.
He is the author of the novel The photo of the memory (2006); Of the chronicles books on Thursdays in Nairobi (2010), Diario de London (2019), New York letters (2020) and the spring of Damascus (2013), qualified by specialized criticism as one of the best books of the year in Mexico; as well as the collection of stories a world of stories (2017). His most recent book is P (2022). His work has been translated into English, French, Catalan, Swahili, Arabic and Russian.