Sentido artístico de los animales

Sentido artístico de los animales - Étienne Souriau - Cactus
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Soft cover

title of this book becomes even more surprising when one learns that the author was a renowned professor of aesthetics at the Sorbonne, a rigorous philosopher who dedicated his life to the study of the artistic work, author even of a famous Vocabulary of aesthetics. That is, someone who takes the word "art" very seriously.
In this book, founded on investigations of behavior and animal psychology, and full of photographs that translate the astonishment of the author, the strict philosopher surrenders to the mysterious evidence that life has scattered everywhere, in all kinds of living beings, the means of artistic creation. The seagull could not ride a stream without an active sensitivity to the shape of the rhythm. The nightingales could not dialogue singing to mark their territories without a spectacular intention. What about the luxury of formal perfection that the potter more


Category: All >> Philosophy >> Esthetics

Book: Sentido artístico de los animales

ISBN: 9789873831683
Precio de lista: $330.00
Descuento: 20%