PhD in Literature. He is a professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, where he directs the Doctorate in Literature. He investigates contemporary narrative, legal fiction, climate change, and university transformations. He co-directs the independent magazine Cuadernos de teoría y crítica and the editorial mimesis. Among his publications are the co-editions Crítica literaria y teoría cultural en América Latina. For an anthology of the 20th century (2015, 2018) and The (im)possible university (2018). He has also published a critical edition dedicated to the work of Roberto Bolaño, titled “Fuera de quicio”. Bolaño in the time of his specters (2012) and the anthology Estudios Subalternos: una cartography a (des) tiempo (2011, 2013). With Mary Luz Estupiñán he edited and translated A Literature in the Tropics. Essays by Silviano Santiago (2012, 2017, 2020) and Figures of Violence, by the critic Idelber Avelar (2016). He has also translated Erich Auerbach and Walter Benjamin. Correspondence (2014, 2015), Derrida's Glossary (2015), a book coordinated by Silviano Santiago, and Derrida and literature, by Evando Nascimento. In 2015, his edition of Latin Americanism against the grain was published. Essays by Julio Ramos and his book No return. Variations on archive and narrative in Latin America. His latest works are The Intellectual Condition. Report for an academy (2018), The form as an essay. critical fiction theory (2020 and The university without attributes (2020). He is currently working on an essay entitled La mirada disjecta.