La imagen extática

Herzog. Zulawski. Duras. Grandrieux. Patiño

La imagen extática - Sonia Rangel - ENAC
Publisher name: 
Year of publication: 
Weight: 0.315 g
Soft cover

Cinematographic dialogues. The essays that make up this book pose a series of imaginary, secret or unspeakable conversations between cinema and philosophy: Werner Herzog in a fictional encounter with Bataille; Andrzej Zulawski in a dialogue, also with Bataille and Schelling, on eroticism and the inner experience of the sacred; Marguerite Duras and the tragic exercise of creating images of desire, in an intellectual exchange with Blanchot, Deleuze and Foucault; Philippe Grandrieux and the vibratile image, an assembly between the visual-image and the sound-image; and, finally, Lois Patiño, who in a permanent conversation with painting manages to capture the experience of the sublime.


Book: La imagen extática

ISBN: 9786073063548