“This would be a sexual autobiography if McKenzie Wark didn't blow up the assumption that sex and gender are binary and that the subject is one and indivisible. Inverted Cowgirl is a polybiography where desires struggle to exist beyond the borders of patriarchy and capitalism, but also of gay culture. The ingredients include: a room for sperm and anal sex, a room for glitter punk and drugs, a room for communist theory, and you, the reader, can add the rest.”
–Paul B. Preciado
Trans literature flourishes today to expand the ways of narrating experiences that until recently we barely knew how to name. McKenzie Wark evokes the first signs of femininity in her body hidden by the ambiguities of hippism and glam in the seventies, her failed attempts to be gay and straight, to become the artificial feminine object in her relationships with men or the feminine subject duplicate o...read more