Nicholas Mavrakis. He was born in Buenos Aires, in 1982. He is the author of short stories for the anthologies Buenos Aires Escala 1:1 (Entropía, 2007), Uno a uno (Random House Mondadori, 2008), Come down (CEC, 2012), Panorama Interzona (Interzona , 2012) and the volume of stories Do not feed the troll (Tamarisco, 2012), the novel The human resource (Milena Caserola, 2014) and co-author of Discutir Houellebecq (Capital Intelectual, 2015). He is editor of the digital magazine Paco and author of articles on literature, criticism and culture that are published in various analog and digital media, national and foreign. He teaches courses on literature at the Center for Contemporary Studies, the Argentine Psychoanalytic Center Foundation and Casa de Letras.