Catherine Millet is director of Art Press, the most prestigious monthly on contemporary art. She was curator of the French section of the São Paulo Biennale in 1989, and curator of the French pavilion at the 1995 Venice Biennale. This collection has published The Sexual Life of Catherine M., translated into forty-five languages, and which also had an extraordinary impact in Spain: "Making a subversive book seems, now, impossible, and, despite that, Millet's is" (Patricia de Souza, La Razón); «The ruthless and lucid analysis that Catherine Millet makes of everything that surrounds sexuality awakens interest and leads to compulsive reading» (Isabel Núñez, La Vanguardia); «An intelligent and courageous book» (Mario Vargas Llosa), and Jealousy: «It cultivates the same entomological gaze in the face of an activity more widespread than participation in orgies» (Elena Hevia, El Periódico); «Millet had the intelligence to retrace her steps and recognize that what she saw as backward was perhaps ahead of her own avant-garde. As if she had come back to say that there is no one worse jealous than the unfaithful. Or put another way: the most libertine can also be the most conventional” (Juan Pablo Bertazza, Página/12).