Werner Herzog: Una guía para perplejos

Conversaciones con Paul Cronin

Werner Herzog: Una guía para perplejos - Werner Herzog - Cuenco de plata
Publisher name: 
Cuenco de plata
Year of publication: 

A magnificent volume of interviews... This book provides the opportunity to enjoy extensive reflections from one of the most fascinating minds we are fortunate enough to collectively access... Reading how Herzog accurately comments on countless interests and obsessions, in detailed and fluid tones – which never fall into the pretentious or the dark – is a balm for the mind... and make it an indispensable book. There are so many topics that it addresses that it could be in any section of a bookstore, even – such is its attack on cynicism and lethargy – in the self-help category.
Hannah McGill, Independent

This updated and in-depth revised edition of the classic Herzog by Herzog features an all-new series of interviews in which the acclaimed director discusses his career, from his beginnings to his most recent productions.


Book: Werner Herzog: Una guía para perplejos

ISBN: 9789874489609