Karl Marx: una metafilosofía de la libertad

Karl Marx: una metafilosofía de la libertad - Henri Lefebvre - Itaca
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Year of publication: 
Book size:
Weight: 200 g
Soft cover

This small book is one of the most vivid expositions of Marxist thought and at the same time of its confrontation with classic problems of philosophy. Henri Lefebvre demonstrates that Marx deepens, renews and transforms the old problem of freedom in such a way that it ceases to be a speculative problem, an endless confrontation of abstract theses and antitheses.

By answering the theoretical questions posed by traditional philosophy, situating and resolving them at the level of practice and action, for Marxism the fundamental question is no longer posed in abstract terms: "Is man free or is he not free?" ? It is rather posed like this: “what needs to be done so that men are freer?”

This examination of Marxism from the perspective of the theory of freedom, for the author the highest point of view—along with the theory of knowledge, dialectical logic, to which Lefebvre also...read more


Book: Karl Marx: una metafilosofía de la libertad

ISBN: 9786078651313