Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski is the name of a young man who did not know the sea. He was born on December 3, 1857 in Berdyczew, Podolia, a place then occupied by the Russians, today belonging to Ukraine. His closest figure to literature was that of his father, who in addition to being at the service of the Polish nationalist movement, was a writer and translator. Orphaned at the age of twelve, he lived with his uncle Tadeusz Bobrowski. A short time later he decided to venture to sea, first joining the French merchant navy in Marseille and, later, the British merchant navy, an event that would give him his first contact with the English language. The voyages and adventures of this sailor made him the character we know today as Joseph Conrad who, having acquired British nationality (1886), appropriated English as his preferred language to give life to countless stories. He was a wri...read more