Carlos Marx y la filosofía de la praxis

Carlos Marx y la filosofía de la praxis - Gavin Kitching - Universidad Veracruzana
Publisher name: 
Universidad Veracruzana
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

This volume is valuable and sui generis in more ways than one. On the one hand, it has the virtue of presenting, for those not initiated in social science, the Marxist corpus in an intelligible way and in an organic form. At the same time, for scholars, practitioners and exegetes of social science, through a heterodox style and methods, clearly influenced by the late philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein, the author shows aspects of Marx's work that were not previously glimpsed. This book, unprecedented in the Spanish language, is a work that will provide the reader, through a dynamic and persuasive prose, finely spun with abundant quotations and references, with an original and broad comprehensive framework to look at relevant connections between social science, Marxism, the philosophy of praxis and the philosophy of the last Wittgenstein to which we are blind from other frameworks.


Book: Carlos Marx y la filosofía de la praxis

ISBN: 9786075027456
Precio de lista: $300.00
Descuento: 15%