Los dones del agua

Los dones del agua - Álvaro Mutis - Universidad Veracruzana
Publisher name: 
Universidad Veracruzana
Year of publication: 
Book size:
Soft cover

The Gifts of Water by Álvaro Mutis is an anthology organized around a theme that flows constantly in his poetic production: water, metaphorized in women's bodies, in memory, as well as in the symbols that compose and allude to it. This aquarium has been carefully assembled by Santiago Mutis Durán, who, through an essay on the interpretation of the poetics of the author of Diario de Lecumberri (UV, 1960), warns us: "Any mention of the waters in Mutis, the slow or fast ditches, the waterfalls, the springs, the ponds, the persistent and vast rains [...] it is an invocation of another time." With The Gifts of Water, the Veracruz University Press commemorates the centenary of one of the inaugural authors of the Fiction collection and one of the indispensable writers of Ibero-America; an author who nourishes with his torrent the wide ocean of our language, to whom time, captive in the cleps...read more


Category: All >> Literature >> Poetry

Book: Los dones del agua

ISBN: 9786078923373
Precio de lista: $120.00
Descuento: 15%