Psicoterapia Sistémico-Relacional

Voces y prácticas contemporáneas

Psicoterapia Sistémico-Relacional - Gerardo Resendiz Juarez - Gedisa
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Systemic-relational psychotherapy is an approach aimed at promoting evolutionary relational conditions that facilitate the emergence of possibilities and resources in individuals and their significant systems. It is based on a systemic matrix (mainly Batesonian), a clinic attentive to social contexts and current problems, a critical and ethical view very attentive to the therapist and the therapeutic systems in which he participates. The different chapters of this work traverse to different extents four axes: 1) complexity in terms of theoretical articulations and relational understandings; 2) a second-order gaze that permanently returns to the therapist and to his self-observation within the network of ongoing processes; 3) an epitemological perspective that invites us to think about ourselves, connected with our clients and with broader systems; and, 4) a therapeutic practice more


Book: Psicoterapia Sistémico-Relacional

ISBN: 9786078866519
Precio de lista: $725.00
Descuento: 20%