Pope, ¿un metafísico?

Pope, ¿un metafísico? -  AA.VV. - Sequitur
Year of publication: 
Soft cover

Seventeenth-century Europe, deeply divided nationally and religiously, found in “philosophy” a strong optimistic impulse that made it claim to live in the establishment of a new era full of enlightenment, certainties and prosperity, to such an extent that the idea of ​​living in “the best of all possible worlds”, where “all is well”, would end up occupying a central place in the philosophical attention of the eighteenth century, especially in Germany, France and England, thus giving rise to the so-called “controversy over optimism”.


Book: Pope, ¿un metafísico?

ISBN: 9788415707905
Precio de lista: $250.00
Descuento: 25%