El abrazo que lleva al amor

El abrazo que lleva al amor - Laura Rincón Gallardo - Instituto Prekop
Publisher name: 
Instituto Prekop

In the hug that leads to love, the author talks about the relationships between parents and children, what happens when they come into conflict and the suffering that this generates. Children develop symptoms, red spots with which they try to show their parents that something is not working as it should. These symptoms point out that something prevents the development of a healthy personality.
This book is aimed at Moms, Dads and anyone interested in bonding with their children. Also for those who are interested in knowing what the emotional needs of children are and how best to
That parents can meet.


Book: El abrazo que lleva al amor

ISBN: 9786070001802
Precio de lista: $275.00
Descuento: 25%